How FitPink Customers Help Empower Girls
FitPink are a small business with big values and believe in harnessing the power of business to improve the world in small but meaningful ways. By being part of the FitPink story, you are standing shoulder to shoulder with girls and young women across the developing world. You are investing in people like Josephine’s futures and in their potential.
“With lockdown Josephine had no access to education. Josephine was among more than 2,000 pupils who received a multi-functional radio set which gave her access to a radio teaching programme which she credits for passing her exams. She will now be able to move to senior secondary school.”
FitPink are working with Plan International Ireland because we too believe that the issues that girls face in some of the world’s poorest regions such as period poverty, child marriage and sexual violence must be urgently addressed. In 2020 you helped us donate over €6000 and this is a figure that we are hoping to double this year as a girl in the developing world faces overwhelming odds from the day she is born. Your purchases will help FitPink contributes to Plan International’s “Because I am a Girl Campaign”.
For example, 70% of the world's poorest people are girls and women but with your contribution you have helped Plan International build a school for 11 year old Adamasay in Sierra Leone.
“Adamsay used to have to walk 4 miles each morning to attend school. The long walk each day was arduous, especially during the rainy season. She often arrived soaked and late. She now has access to a school in her village.”
Plan International Ireland and their partners are making real progress to highlight these causes. Because I am a Girl focuses on 6 key areas – freedom from violence and fear, learning for life, teen pregnancy, economic and political empowerment for girls and young women, FGM & child marriage and girls in emergencies.
“Severe floods caused by torrential rain in Niger last year, devastated parts of the country, affecting more than 350,000 people, leaving families in urgent need of shelter, water, food and other essential items. Many school age children lost all of their possessions in the floods, Plan International distributed school kits to 1887 students including Yousra in the above photo”
YOU are helping FitPink make a long lasting impact with each purchase, helping these girls Lead, Learn, Decide and Thrive. So thank you for helping us to help other girls.